The Cuba Section of the Latin American Studies Association
An expert in the domestic and international politics of Latin America, Jorge I Dominguez most recently served 46 years as a professor at Harvard University. Among his other professional honors, Jorge Dominguez received a lifetime academic achievement award from the Cuba Section of the Latin American Studies Association.
One of the 41 geographical sections of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the LASA’s Cuba Section is united by three overarching objectives: to improve academic relations between Cuba and the United States, to maintain a network of academics who study Cuban political science and/or US/Cuban relations, and developing/instituting LASA initiatives that revolve around Cuban scholars and scholarship. Recent efforts by the LASA Cuba Section include organizing five workshops for the 2019 LASA Boston Congress, covering topics that ranged from racial and gender inequality in Cuba to the proper scholarly methods of examining the Cuban Revolution. It also elected several new directors in 2019, including Raul Garces of the University of Havana and William LeoGrande of American University.